Frequently Asked Questions

Is Kids Club open for the public or only currently enrolled children? Is it just for children who attend Mission Viejo Christian Church?
Kids Club is open for everyone, whether you are currently enrolled or want to join us! You do not have to be a member at MVCC to be enrolled in Kids Club.
How old does my child need to be to come to Kids Club?
The State of California licenses Kids Club and requires children to be 4 years, 9 months, and enrolled in Kindergarten in the Fall to be eligible for enrollment for the school year and summer camp.
How do I register for Kids Club Summer Camp?
To enroll in Kids Club, click on the registration icon on either the Home page, After-school page, or Summer Camp page here on this website.
How are Summer Camp groups organized, and can my older child be placed in the same group as my younger child?
Kids Club creates each group based on each child's date of birth. Placing children in groups according to their birth date allows them to be with their peers and those with similar social and motor skills. However, we allow children to play with kids outside their group several times a day before and after group rotations during morning and afternoon free play, playground time, and afternoon choices.
Why is my child in a different group color than last week?
Due to various factors, including how many kids are enrolled each week and their date of birth, your child's group color may change weekly. We create each group by birth date, take the 28 oldest kids, and place them in the Purple group, the next 28 in the Red group, etc. The Yellow group consists of the youngest kids at Summer Camp. Please check the Group Rosters every Monday to see which group color your child has been placed in.
Can I request my child to be in a certain group or have them change groups?
Unfortunately, due to licensing's ratio policy, we do not take group requests and will not move children from one group to another. Creating our summer camp groups is a lengthy process, and once they are made, they are set for the week.
Do the Kids Club leaders apply sunscreen to my child throughout the day at camp?
Kids Club cares about the safety of all the children in our care and also has safe boundaries for the staff. Therefore, we will encourage and remind children to reapply sunscreen daily at camp. Please make sure to pack sunscreen in your camper.
Are children allowed to bring spending money to camp?
Children can bring spending money every Wednesday to buy items from our Snack Bar (snacks, candy, and drinks). We do not allow spending money on excursions to allow children to enjoy the theme park and all the rides and attractions. Most excursions take electronic payment only.
Are children allowed to bring personal electronic devices to camp?
Children are permitted to bring personal electronic devices; however, they are limited to usage time and will be confiscated if found using them inappropriately.
What if my child is not a good swimmer?
We take water safety very seriously! If your child cannot swim or is a weak swimmer, please log into the parent portal and update their swimming ability under the disabilities section with "CAN'T SWIM." Children who cannot swim will receive a red wristband on water excursion days and will not be allowed to enter the water past their ankles. We also check in with the lifeguards, have our staff supervise, and stay in the water while the children swim.
What times do I have to drop off my child and pick up my child from camp?
Kids Club opens at 7:00 a.m. and asks all children to arrive by 9:00 a.m. unless noted on the weekly calendar for excursions. Our daily activities end around 4:45 p.m., and we close at 6:00 p.m.
If my summer plans change and I need to drop an enrolled week, how do I do that?
We understand that plans change. Please email us at least two weeks in advance to request to drop a week, and please note that you will be charged $25 per dropped week. If we are unable to fill your spot from the waitlist, you will be billed full tuition for the week dropped.